The awful woman who hurt my Hannah has been arrested, is in jail and awaiting trial.... my thoughts on this are simple... I'm glad....I'm glad she is in jail, I am glad she will not be able to work with children ever again. I have now entered the stage of being so angry I almost can't contain it. How dare you put your hands on my daughter... how dare you look me in the eye and tell me you want to help her, how dare you. I can hardly even look at the mug shot without feeling so much anger. I would like 5 minutes with her.....just so she would have to look me in the face. I would love to ask her what she was thinking...what made her think she had any right to pull Hannah's hair or kick her or tape her hands to teach her how it feels... honestly if you are that miserable in your job find another one... these are defenseless children with disabilities... these are kids who can not protect themselves...these are kids who trusted you... parents who trusted you...... how dare you hurt them... I am really angry. This has caused us so much pain... I'm angry that she has put me in a very uncomfortable position...I am angry, I now have to deal with the media, get a lawyer, talk to a ton of law enforcement offices... people I probably would have never spoken too... I'm angry I have to hear what she did to my daughter every time I watch the news... how dare you put my family through this. This has just begun... this horrible nightmare of a situation will be haunting us for months... I will have to hear what she did to Hannah over and over again. I am also so sad.. I am sad teachers hurt kids..I'm sad it is even possible for a child to experience abuse by anyone...I'm sad Hannah had to go through this.. I'm sad I didn't know. I know things happen for a reason... I know I will lose sleep trying to find the reason..I know we will all come out of this smarter and stronger but I still don't want to be dealing with this. I have done one phone interview with a local news channel, I sent an email statement to another, I really don't need my face and name all over the news. This is truly going to be a day by day process, and I know there will be days I am a lot happier than I am right now and I know there will be days I am a lot sadder and a lot angrier. I will just trust god and pray for strength and guidance. Again I would like to say thanks to you all for the support we have received. It's good to know there are still more good people than bad! Bless you all!

I too am sorry you have to go thru this Liz sorry anyone has to, sorry she sacrificed her career for this and ended up in jail! It makes no sense. But often in life we have things thrown at us that we didn't ask for and we don't know why we have to deal with it. I wish I had words of wisdom for you and/or advise but I really don't. I think I would feel just the same as you do. I think couselling would be a good idea for everyone to just get it off your chest and out there and straighten your thoughts/feelings. Thinking of you my friend xxx